Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Iodine in beauty treatments ~ historical uses

The arts of beauty: or, Secrets of a lady's toilet

 By Lola Montez

I have known ladies to take a preparation of iodyne internally to remedy a too large development of the bosom But this must be a dangerous experiment for the general health The following external application has been recommended for this purpose
Strong essence of mint 1 oz
Iodine of zinc 2 gr
Aromatic vinegar 2 gr
Essence of cedrat 10 drops 


>>> Iodine to reduce the bust? Sure! Iodine deficiency is indicated in fibrocystic breast disease. With the resolution of FBD, many have noted a decrease in bust size. Intuitive brilliance on Lola's part~ !

The second book I'm clipping from is entitled: 

My secrets of beauty

 By Lina Cavalieri

(for fat neck)

To reduce the bulk of the back and side of the neck a reducing lotion should be applied by long sweeping downward strokes the effect of which strokes is to melt the flesh downward into the larger masses of flesh on the shoulders A lotion I have known to be used with success for the melting away of too ponderous flesh about the neck is this:
Tincture of iodine 30 minims iodide of potassium 60 grains hyposulphite of soda 20 grains distilled water 7 ounces aniseed water 170 minims 

>>> Iodine deficiency is also indicated in goiter, so if the "fat neck" was due to a goiter... more intuitive brilliance on Lina's part!


(for the treatment of obesity)
This too is a good astringent lotion
Tincture of iodine 30 minims iodide of potassium 60 grams distilled water 10 ounces aniseed water 170 minims
Also this Tincture of iodine 1 ounce alcohol 10 ounces 

(for obesity)
 Some preparations of an absorbent nature I have known to be used with good results Most of these contain iodine There are several soaps used for the purpose of massage all containing iodine After receiving my physician's endorsement and having the soap analyzed by a scrupulous chemist there would seem to be no danger attending their use
This formula is safe and if persistently used should be effective as an absorbent remedy I have known corpulent beauties who took it internally but I should never be so daring
Tincture of iodine 30 minims iodide of potassium 60 grains hyposulphite soda 20 grains distilled water 7 ounces aniseed water 170 minims 

>>>Iodine and tyrosine are the components of thyroid hormone. The thyroid regulates metabolism. Would a topical application of iodine in the form of a cream or lotion work as an aid in reducing? The jury's out on that one... my opinion is that internal supplementation would be more reliable, there are many factors that affect topical iodine absorption.


(for boils)
A sparing diet chiefly of fruit and liquids and copious water drinking should soon clear the complexion Alternate applications of hot and cold cloths to the skin help to clear it A pinch of iodide of lime in a glass of water in daily doses for a week will aid in the body cleansing which is necessary to banish the tendency to boils A few Turkish baths will aid the work 

>>> sure, iodine is anti-bacterial. There is also the fact that one of the symptoms of hypothyroidism may be a propensity to boils...

(topical iodine to INCREASE the bust)

 I advise no woman to undertake increasing the size of the bust without first consulting her physician If he thinks it wise apply with muslin cloths to the breast this lotion:
Lanolin 50 grams vaseline 50 grams tincture of benzoin 20 drops iodide of potassium 3 grams

>>> Nothing that I've found in the literature supports the idea that topical iodine will increase the bust...  

(for reducing a double chin)

 Or you might try for the same trouble the following:
Vaseline 100 grams lanolin 100 grams iodide of potassium 6 grams tincture of benzoin 1 ounce 

>>> perhaps through the effects of supplemental iodine on thyroid function. Or the massage~?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this information. And indeed some of this has been justified by modern science e.g.:
    - how to make a thick neck more slender, how to get rid of a double chin (basically it is the treatment of goitre);
    - or how to “remedy a too large development of the bosom” - and indeed Iodine deficiency is indicated in fibrocystic breast disease in certain medical press.
    Great post.
