Sunday, September 25, 2011

that irresistable smile...

absolutely charming beauty advice from "My Lady Beautiful or, the Perfection of Womanhood", by Alice Mattie Long, published 1908. 

"Now, I want you to smile. O, that isn't enough. Smile again. Smile until you laugh. Continue to smile for just two minutes. Perhaps this is the first time in months that you've relaxed the muscles of your face by looking pleasant, but I'm sure you feel better already; and allow me to whisper in your ear that this is one of the principal secrets of being beautiful and fascinating."

ok, I tried it, the smiling for two minutes thing. Two minutes is a REALLY LONG time... if that was not enough torture, we are now instructed to...:

"Go to the Mirror at once and smile your very sweetest smile at yourself. There now, be honest, don't you already look- well, at least several months younger than you did about 15 minutes ago?"

well, no, actually! I do believe that my smile-lines just deepened, irrevocably. I'm also starting to creep myself out...! 

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